Family Company Platinlux

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Visit us directly in our retail shop in Burgstall, in South Tyrol, Italy.
Sincerity & Family
As a real family company, we have a stable core and a business philosophy, which is orientated 100% on healthy long-term relationships with our clients, our suppliers and our employees. We are your contact and apart from your normal rights and the law, we think in a conscientious and human way. This gives you the maximum of safety.
Reliable and Comfortable
Your orders go through a lot of experienced hands in our company. Each configuration gets checked manually. So we check if the bulb fits to the lamp, if the colors were chosen logically, if the base of the table really fits to the chosen table lamp and if the shipping address is complete. If there are any doubts, we will ask you to avoid any bad surprises.
Automation versus Manual Elaboration
We are technologically relatively well equipped. But we try to do our processing without too much automation. This has a few reasons. First, the client as a human is the most important thing for us. And as lighting is emotional we just find it important to have a direct and emotional relation and current personal contact between us, our customers, supplier and our employees. Too much automation prevents such a relationship. Another reason is, that we check each order personally for mistakes or problems like the compatibility of single parts. And to be honest and tell you a wonderful side fact – we still get products of small suppliers with hand written article numbers on the packing, what is very nice, but has a higher requirement of inspections.
Environmentally friendly & Conscientious
As a lighting company, we have additional responsibility, because our behavior is like a multiplicator for all our clients. If we give you the right advice we will influence your consume behavior and help to act environmentally friendly. For example, we have to offer the right bulbs and materials for the right situation but also tell you the production location of a producer. That for we sign each product which is “made in Italy” with a badge in the first line, instead showing you the shipping time already in the thumbnail. Of course, we try whenever it is possible to pack environmentally friendly and reuse packaging. Further, we do use modern carton shredders with low energy consumption to reuse even the worn out cartons as likable and safe filling instead of throwing them away.

Quality & Price
We mainly trade high quality brands, but you probably will not find all products of each manufacturer. One reason (but it must not be alrways the reason) is that we just choose products, which convince us with their quality and price. Apart from this, we really know nearly all products, or at least the product family not just from the pictures but in real life. We try to offer those high quality products for the best possible price, but first and foremost we try to offer the best relationship between quality, price and service to guarantee a nice shopping experience for you.

Was wir nicht machen
Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten. Wir stehen nicht zu Verfügung, wenn es um die Planung und Ausführung von Beleuchtungsprojekten im Straßenbau (Straßenbeleuchtung) geht. Dazu gehört ebenfalls Tunnelbeleuchtung oder die Beleuchtung von öffentlichen Plätzen bzw. Parkplätzen oder Parkgaragen. Auch die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung schreiben wir uns nicht auf unsere Fahnen. Wir führen auch keine Lichterketten oder Dekorationsartikel diesbezüglich. Wir führen keine Elektronikartikel oder Steckdosen, Steckerleisten oder eben zusätzliches Elektromaterial welches für die Installation benötigt wird. Außer Spezialkabel für den dekorativen Bereich (z.B. in bestimmten Farben, Stoffkabel) oder Ketten.
Wir sind Ihr verlässlicher Partner wenn es um Ihre Beleuchtung geht, dafür stehe ich mit meinem Namen.
Philip Platino