LED Leuchten sind Zukunft und Gegenwart

Stromsparende Technologien sind zur Zeit sehr gefragt. Im Beleuchtungsbereich sind LEDs dabei das höchste der Gefühle. Finden Sie bei uns LED Leuchten für's tägliche Leben. Wir haben uns sehr bemüht, Ihnen die besten LED Produkte zusammenzutragen und in unserem Shop anzubieten. All unsere Produkte enthalten LED Module der höchsten Qualität und neuesten Generation. Staunen Sie mit uns über die Energieeffizienz und Lichtqualität, die Technik der Zukunft und der Gegenwart nennt sich LED.

Wie lange halten LED Leuchten?

Die Lebensdauer von LED Leuchten startet bei ca. 10.000 Stunden und geht bis zu 50.000. Die Zeit ist dabei nicht jene Zeit, in welcher das Leuchtmittel kaputt gehen wird, sondern jene Zeit in welcher das Leuchtmittel einen Teil seiner Stärke verlieren wird. Es gibt hierfür verschiedene Einteilungen, die wichtigste ist L7. Das bedeutet, dass z.B. ein L7 Leuchtmittel nach 50.000 Stunden 30% seiner Leuchtkraft verlieren wird. Es gibt keine Garantie für diese Laufzeit, da diese auch durch äußere Umstände negativ beeinflusst werden kann. Aber es ist aus technischer Sicht möglich dies zu prüfen und es ist davon auszugehen, dass renommierte Hersteller diese Prüfungen sorgfältig durchführen. Kauft man eine teure Leuchte mit integrierten LEDs kann es sein, dass die LED's, welche nach der Garantiezeit (je nach Produkt 2-5 Jahre) kaputt gehen, nicht mehr ausgetauscht werden, oder aufgrund fortgeschrittener Technik alle Dioden ausgetauscht werden müssen. Dies ist aber alles andere als der Normalfall - erfahrungsgemäß halten LED Leuchten sehr, sehr lange.

Warum sind LED Leuchten auf Dauer günstiger als herkömmliche Leuchtmittel und Leuchten?

Ein LED (eine Leuchtdiode) glüht nicht, so wie eine Glühbirne, sondern emittiert künstliches Licht auf eine völlig andere Art und Weise. Die Art dieses Licht zu erzeugen ist sehr effizient und verwandelt sehr viel weniger kostbare elektrische Energie in Hitze und mehr in Licht. Das ist im Prinzip der wichtigste Punkt und auch der Grund dafür, warum LED Leuchtmittel und Leuchten nie so heiß (max. 75°) werden wie herkömmliche Leuchtmittel (bis zu 250°). Da LED Leuchten immer künstliches Licht erzeugen, kann man diese auch in verschiedenen Lichtfarben bauen und als Kunde kaufen. 

Welche Vorteile bieten LED Leuchten außer weniger Stromverbrauch?

LED Leuchten und Leuchtmittel haben den weiteren Vorteil, dass sie weniger heiß werden. Das bedeutet, dass die Leuchten im Sommer auch weniger heizen und damit nicht gekühlt werden muss, was unter Umständen weitere Energieersparnis bedeuten kann. LED Leuchten haben außerdem den Vorteil, dass sie ein gezieltes Abstrahlverhalten haben. Das erhöht bei den meisten Leuchten die Effizienz. Im Klartext bedeutet dies, dass viele LED Leuchten (vor allem Strahler) auch mit weniger Lichtoutput mehr Licht an die gewünschte Stelle bringen. Drei Fliegen mit einer Klappe.

Soll ich jetzt auf LED umsteigen, oder noch warten?

Wir haben mit dem heuten Tag (2016) die Grenze bereits länger überschritten, an der es noch zweifelhaft war, ob sich eine Investition in Richtung LED auszahlt oder nicht. Die Überlegung ist eher wie man den Austausch vornimmt. Tauscht man komplette Leuchten gegen LED Leuchten mit integrierten Leuchtmittel aus, oder lediglich die Leuchtmittel? Das hängt stark davon ab, ob sich die Leuchtmittel leicht austauschen lassen, ob die Qualität und Ästhetik der Leuchten mit LED Leuchtmittel erhalten bleibt und ob LED Leuchtmittel auch bezüglich Lichtstärke zufriedenstellend sein können. Im Optimalfall wird eine Leuchte mit integrierter Lichtquelle verwendet, da diese meistens besser konzipiert ist. Unser Tipp ist lediglich auf Langlebigkeit zu setzen, da man ein gutes LED Leuchtmittel auch gut und gerne 15-20 Jahre betreiben kann - und da sollte man sich nicht nach zwei Jahren wieder umsehen müssen.

Wo kann ich LED Leuchten einsetzen?

Im Prinzip überall. Besonders dort wo Leuchten eine lange Brenndauer aufweisen ist es besonders vorteilhaft (Außenbereich, Shops etc.), aber es zahlt sich auch dort aus, wo nur eine kurze Brenndauer zu verzeichnen ist. Denn: Abgesehen davon, dass die Leuchten und Leuchtmittel wesentlich weniger Energie benötigen, muss man sie auch kaum noch austauschen. Das bedeutet eine zusätzliche Einsparung. Auch sind LED Leuchtmittel heute nicht mehr teuer und rentieren sich daher noch schneller.

Welche LED Lampen sind gut?

Es gibt auch einen Punkt, bei welchem man vorsichtig sein muss. Da von LEDs emmittiertes Licht immer Kunstlicht ist, hat es auch nicht dieselbe Qualität wie natürliches Licht. Diese Qualität wird hauptsächlich über die Verbindungen bestimmt, die auf die leuchtenden Chips kommen. Sie lässt sich heute technisch so perfekt herstellen, dass das Licht qualitativ zu fast 100% gleich gut ist, wie natürliches Licht, allerdings ist das nicht der Normalfall. Hier sprechen wir von Farbwiedergabe (CRI, color rendering index) und hier unterscheiden sich auch die meisten guten LED Leuchten von den schlechten. Heute ist ein CRI Wert von 80 Standard, allerdings ist besser auf einen Wert von 90 zu setzen, wenn man sehr natürliches Licht haben möchte. Das bedeutet, dass auch die Möbel, die Fließen, das Holz und besonders die Menschen natürlich dargestellt werden. Qualitativ schlechtes Licht kann sogar gesundheitliche Nachteile haben. Wir haben daher bei allen LED Leuchten, bei denen es möglich und sinnvoll ist, den CRI Wert angegeben. Es ist heute einer der wichtigsten Werte beim kauf einer LED Leuchte.

Welche LED Leuchten sind dimmbar?

Ein LED an und für sich ist immer dimmbar, aber nicht jede LED Leuchte ist es. Das hängt vom Trafo oder vom Vorschaltgerät ab. Ein hochvolt LED ohne Trafo ist daher immer dimmbar. Bei Leuchten mit elektronischen Transformatoren (das ist der Normalfall) geben wir die Dimmbarkeit an, somit kann man sich daran orientieren. Im Normalfall ist eine LED Leuchte mit einem LED Universaldimmer dimmbar (phasenabschnittsdimmer, häufig verwendete Variante im Privatbereich) aber auch mit technolgisch weiterentwickelten Systemen wie z.B. DALI.

Warum Leuchten LEDs manchmal im ausgeschalteten Zustand?

Es ist ein seltenes Phänomen, aber es kommt vor. Strom ist aus, aber die LEDs flackern oder flimmern ganz leicht - sichtbar nur bei absoluter Dunkelheit. Das kann nerven und man wundert sich schon ob man Geister im Haus hat. Es gibt für dieses Phänomen verschiedene Erklärungen. Fakt ist, dass LEDs so effizient sind, dass sie auch bereits bei extrem kleinen Leistungen zu leuchten beginnen. So kann z.B. die Strahlungsleistung eines Mobiltelefons reichen, um ein LED ganz minimal zu zünden. Wenn nun starke Maschinen, Funker (Amateurfunker) oder weitere Anlagen in der Nähe sind, welche für kurze Zeit sehr viel Energie benötigen, oder welche strahlen, kann es schon mal passieren, dass eine effizientes LED zu flackern beginnt. Wenn der Strom über die Leitung kommt, kann man dies mit einem Stabilisator unterbinden. Andernfalls kann man (gegen Strahlung) im Prinzip nichts dagegen tun. Dies kann übrigens auch bei Touch-Schaltern der Fall sein (Leuchten schalten sich von alleine ein).

20 %
Collide Double ceiling lamp by Rotaliana
Ceiling light with direct and indirect light Collide Double by Rotaliana The family of Collide ceiling lights with indirect lighting is expanding to include two more models. What is special about the new models is not only the strong indirect lighting, but also the new LED in the middle of the ceiling lamp with direct light emission. Another point is that the height of the lamp can be adjusted slightly from a minimum of 12cm to a maximum of 14.5cm. The LED with direct lighting downwards is embedded in an aluminum ring over which there is a crystal lens and spreads a pleasant light downwards all around. This model is available in two dimensions, the Collide H3 Double with Ø49.5cm and the Collide H4 Double with Ø65cm and the following colors: matt white, matt black, graphite, silver and champagne. The Collide H3 Double has a total of 4 LEDs with 1300lm downwards and 4500lm upwards, the Collide H4 Double has a total of 5 LEDs with 1300lm downwards and 6000lm upwards. Both have a light color of 2700k. Important note: On request it is possible to order the aluminum ring above the glass lens in a different color than the rest of the Collide Double ceiling light, available colors are: white matt, bronze matt, copper matt, powder gun matt, gold matt, nickel matt and black matt. A light color of 3000k is also available upon request. Delivery time: This model is a novelty that will be available from June.

€829.60* instead of €1,037.00*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 7-14 working days
18 %
Kate LED ceiling lighting by Kdln
Bright and round LED ceiling light Kate by Kdln Kate from Kdln is a bright and large ceiling light with a fixed LED that spreads over 6000lm. The lamp has a diameter of 90cm and a height of 27cm. The large diffuser is not straight, but set at a special fixed angle and spreads a wide cone of light downwards. The built-in LED is available in light colors 2700k and 3000k, has a CRI 90 value and is phase cut dimmable. The standard color of the ceiling light is white RAL9010, but upon request the light can be ordered in almost any RAL color.

€940.38* instead of €1,146.80*
NOVELTY: Delivery on request
20 %
Faya Duo and Trio by Morosini
Indirect LED lighting Faya Duo und Faya Trio by Morosini The indirect LED lamps Faya Duo and Faya Trio are suitable as wall lights and ceiling lights. Faya Duo (30x48cm) consists of two round discs and Faya Trio (63x55cm) consists of three round discs. The discs are connected to each other on a bracket, have different sizes and overlap. They are made of tooled aluminum. Both models are equipped with dimmable LEDs (phase cut), available in 2700k or 3000k. The round discs are available in 4 colors: matt white, matt black, brushed bronze and brushed gold.

€672.46* instead of €840.58*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 6 working days
20 %
Faya LED wall lighting by Morosini
Indirect LED wall lighting Faya by Morosini The round wall lamp and ceiling lamp Faya by Morosini made of tooled aluminum is suitable for different lighting concepts. The LEDs of the lamp are located on the back of the round plate and are invisible. The spread a direct light onto the wall, which then reflects the light into the room. Faya is therefore a model suitable as indirect room lighting in a living room, bedroom, staircase or hallway. Faya is available as a single lamp in different sizes or as a group combination with two and three discs. The single lamp is available in 20cm, 30cm and 40cm in the color’s matt white, matt black, brushed bronze and brushed gold. The light color of the LED is available in 2700k and 3000k. The wall and ceiling lamp is phase cut dimmable (Tiac).

€292.80* instead of €366.00*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 6 working days
15 %
Bulbullia LED lighting by Luceplan
LED wall and ceiling lamp Bulbullia by Luceplan Bulbullia by Luceplan is a unique designer lamp that not only spreads light, but can also be used as a piece of furniture in a room. Its special appearance is created by elements of different sizes that are connected to one another and whose shape is reminiscent of soap bubbles. The differently sized elements are made of polycarbonate and are slightly curved. In the middle of each bubble is a dimmable LED module with a warm light. The light from the LEDs shines on each individual panel which then reflects the light into the room. The Bulbullia is an indirectly illuminated wall and ceiling lamp. The Bulbullia lamp is available in two different sizes: 37x31cm with 3 LED light sources and 37x62cm with 5 LED light sources. Bulbullia is dimmable either trailing edge (Triac) or Push/Dali.

€423.30* instead of €498.00*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 7 working days
18 %
Essenza indirect lighting by Icone
Indirect wall and ceiling lighting Essenza by Icone The Essenza designer lamp is suitable for indirect lighting and can be installed as a wall lamp or ceiling lamp. The lamp is available in different sizes, colors and LED light colors. Essenza by Icone consists of a round reflector with two metal strips in the middle. The metal strips are fitted with the LED, available in 2700k or 3000k and emit a direct light onto the round disc, which then reflects the light into the room. The Essenza wall and ceiling lamp is available in 4 different sizes: 30cm, 47cm, 70cm and 90cm. The lamp is also available in different colors (round disc/metal rods): gold powder/brushed bronze, gold powder/black, gold powder/white, white/white and white/black. Other colors are available on request (see images for color combinations).

€276.11* instead of €336.72*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 15 working days
18 %
Essenza D LED lighting by Icone
LED wall and ceiling lamp Essenza D by Icone Essenza is another lamp by Icone perfectly suited for indirect room lighting that not only spreads atmosphere, but is also an eye-catcher. Essenza D is suitable as a wall lamp and also as a ceiling lamp. The lamp consists of two parts. On the one hand it consists of a round, thin disc that reflects the light into the room and on the other hand, two metal strips that are parallel to the disc and carry the LED light source (2700k or 3000k). The metal strips are not in the middle of the Essenza D, but on the sides above the reflector. The lamp can be mounted in any direction, thus changing the position of the metal strips on the lamp. The Essenza D ceiling and wall lamp is available in 4 different sizes: Ø 30cm, Ø 47cm, Ø 70cm and Ø 90cm. The lamp is also available in different colors (round disc/metal rods): gold powder/brushed bronze, gold powder/black, gold powder/white, white/white and white/black. Other colors are available on request (see images for color combinations).

€276.11* instead of €336.72*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 15 working days
18 %
Tidal LED ceiling lamp by Lodes
Ring-shaped LED ceiling light Tidal by Lodes Tidal is a ceiling lamp made of rounded lines captured in a modern and very special design that imitates the movement of the waves. The modern LED ceiling lamp has everything integrated into the lamp and spreads light downwards and upwards on the ceiling. The Tidal LED ceiling lamp is available in three sizes Ø45cm, Ø60cm and Ø75cm, and in the following colors: matt white, matt champagne, terra and matt black. The Tidal 45 spreads a total of 5040lm (2700k) or 5292lm (3000k). With the Tidal 60 and Tidal 75 models, however, the light output of the driver can be individually adjusted before installation (3 setting options). By default, the lamp is always set to maximum output. The integrated LED is dimmable (Triac/Phase cut), also DALI dimmable on request.

€498.20* instead of €607.56*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 6 working days
18 %
Poise LED ceiling lighting by Kdln
Rotatable and tiltable LED ceiling lamp Poise by Kdln Another model has been added to the Kdln Poise line. This is a ceiling light with a maximum height of 110cm. The Poise ceiling lamp can almost be described as a hanging lamp. Like the Poise floor lamp, the ceiling lamp is also equipped with a flexible LED light source that spreads the same amount of light all around upwards and downwards. The flexible ring is made of black metal on the outside and the inside of the lamp consists of a white polycarbonate cover and the LED strip behind it. The ceiling canopy and part of the bracket are also made of metal. The metal bracket and the ring are connected with a special tube covered with a black fabric. Thanks to this hose, the lamp head Ø 55cm can be rotated and tilted to any position, thus turning the light into the optimal position. The Poise ceiling lamp is equipped with a 2700k LED and emits a total of 3600lm (CRI90). The LED is trailing edge dimmable (triac). Thanks to its flexibility and the powerful LED light source the Poise ceiling lamp is suitable above a table and counter, in the living room and bedroom, and also in a hallway.

€460.18* instead of €561.20*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 9 working days
17 %
Optic Out 1+ LED spot by Light Point
Fixed LED ceiling spotlight Optic Out 1+ by Light Point The fixed ceiling spotlight Optic Out 1+ is suitable for indoor and outdoor use (IP54). It should be noted that only the colors black and white are suitable for outdoor use. The colors titanium and rose gold are not suitable for outdoor use as the sun's rays will fade the anodized surface over time. The black and white spotlight comes with three colored rings included in the package (black, white and gold). With the rings the interior color of the spotlight can be changed as desired. The ceiling spotlight Optic Out 1+ is equipped with a 10W LED, spreads 837lm and a light color of 2700k. The spotlight has a Ø of 13cm at the bottom and 11cm at the top. Total height is 5cm. The special lens spreads a pleasant and glare-free light. The spotlight is dimmable phase cut (Triac). The Optic Out 1+ from Light Point can be used in different rooms and scenes. For example, it can be used in the middle of a hallway or corridor or in the living room very close to the wall, creating a special light effect on the wall.

€337.20* instead of €406.26*
Delivery time 6 working days
17 %
Vantage 2 spot by Light Point
Flexible twin ceiling spot Vantage 2 and 2+ by Light Point In contrast to the Vantage 1 the ceiling spot Vantage 2 is equipped with two LED spots. Both spots can be moved independently of each other and thus expand the possibility for individual use of the lamp. Equipped with a special diffuser Vantage 2 provides a glare-free and soft light with a wider beam angle. The two integrated LEDs have a light color of 2700k. Made of aluminum, powder coated in black and white or brushed in rose gold or titanium. The Vantage of two spotlights is available in two sizes: 22cm (16W / 1440lm) and 28cm (30W / 2700lm).

€471.87* instead of €568.52*
Delivery time 6 working days
15 %
Compendium Plate lamp by Luceplan
LED ceiling and wall lighting Compendium Plate by Luceplan Compendium Plate is a simple and elegant ceiling lamp as well as a wall lamp made of a round body of anodized aluminum. The LED light has a size of 56cm and spreads a total of 3,753lm with a light color of 2700k. The light is diffuse thanks to the thermoplastics cover. Available colors of the lamp are: black, brass, aluminum and white. The integrated LED of the wall lamp and ceiling lamp Compendium Plate is phase cut, push and DALI dimmable. This is a wall and ceiling lamp suitable for a living room, bedroom, bathroom, hallway and corridor.

€993.65* instead of €1,169.00*
Delivery time 7 working days
20 %
Venere W1 and W2 LED lamp by Rotaliana
Flexibly adjustable LED ceiling and wall lamp Venere by Rotaliana The diffusely glowing LED light Venere by Rotaliana can be installed as a ceiling light and as a wall light. The powerful LED light consists of two parts. Part 1 consists of a round mounting plate and part 2 of another disc that is slightly larger. The second disc contains the LED module available in 2700k or 3000k and spreads a diffused light 2100lm. The lamp has a height of only 4.7cm.  What is unique about this model is its flexibility. The Rotaliana lamp Venere can be rotated completely (355°) and the larger disc can be opened up to 96°. This makes it possible to individually adjust the beam angle of the lamp. The wall and ceiling light is not only available in two different dimensions Ø 25cm (Venere W1) or Ø 33cm (Venere W2) but also as a non-dimmable or dimmable (Push or Dali) version. The lamp can be ordered in the following colors: matt white (standard color) or matt black, graphite and champagne (delivery time 3-4 weeks).

€401.14* instead of €501.42*
Delivery time 7-14 working days
20 %
Collide H3 ceiling/wall lighting by Rotaliana
LED ceiling and wall lamp Collide H3 by Rotaliana Another wall and ceiling light that offers indirect lighting in a room is the Rotaliana lamp Collide H3. It is the largest and most powerful of a total of 4 different models: Collide H0, Collide H1, Collide H2 and Collide H3. The wall lamp and ceiling lamp Collide H3 is suitable for indirect room lighting. Thanks to the LED light sources located on the back of the round disc, the light is radiated directly onto the wall which then reflects the light into the room. The lamp has a diameter of 49.5cm and is equipped with a total of three LED modules. Together they spread 4500lm, have a CRI90 value and are available in the light colors 2700k or 3000k. The LEDs are phase cut dimmable (Triac). Collide H3 is available in the standard color matt white. Other colors are still available (with delivery time 3-4 weeks): matt black, champagne and graphite.

€569.01* instead of €711.26*
Delivery time 7-14 working days
20 %
Collide H2 ceiling/wall lamp by Rotaliana
LED ceiling and wall lighting Collide H2 by Rotaliana The Collide H2 by Rotaliana is a lamp suitable for indirect lighting in a room. The lamp can be used as a ceiling lamp or as a wall lamp. The round and thin plate has a diameter of 33cm and is equipped on the back with two LED modules available in 2700k or 3000k. The LEDs spread a total of 3000 lumens on the wall and are dimmable (phase cut/Triac). The distance from the wall for the Collide H2 light is 10cm in total, the wall connection has a diameter of 6cm. The wall and ceiling lamp Collide H2 is suitable in a hallway, on stairways, behind the sofa or behind the bed in a bedroom. The standard color is matt white. Other available colors are (delivery time 3-4 weeks): graphite, black matt and champagne.

€368.93* instead of €461.16*
Delivery time 7-14 working days
18 %
Masai 90 ceiling/wall lamp by Icone
LED wall light and ceiling light Masai 90 by Icone Masai 90 is an oval LED lamp suitable as a ceiling and wall lamp. The lamp spreads an indirect light in the room. The main feature of the Masai 90 lamp is a large oval plate measuring 60x90cm on which two smaller oval plates are fixed. The two small discs are each equipped with a 20W and 1920lm LED and spread 3840lm together. The light sources cannot be seen because they are on the back of the two small panes. The light is beamed directly onto the large disc above, which then reflects into the room. The Masai 90 ceiling lamp and wall lamp is available in the following color versions (large disc/small disc): white/white, white/brushed bronze, white/black, gold powder/bronze brushed, gold powder/white, gold powder/black. Furthermore, you can choose the lamp with the LED light color 2700k or 3000k.

€774.31* instead of €944.28*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 15 working days
18 %
Masai ceiling/wall lamp by Icone
LED ceiling light and wall light Masai by Icone Icone has more flexible wall and ceiling lights in its range with the Masai light series. Just like the Vera and Petra models, the Masai 50 and Masai 70 consist of a large main plate and a small disc. The oval main disc is available in the sizes 50x36cm and 70x44cm. Fixed to the main plate is a smaller oval disc that can be rotated and is fitted with the LED ring on the backside. The 1350lm LED spreads a direct light onto the large oval disc which then reflects the light into the room. You can choose between the light colors 2700k or 3000k. The wall lamp or ceiling lamp can be selected in different colors with the large and the small oval plate having different colors. The following color combinations are possible (large disc/small disc): white/white, white/brushed bronze, white/black, gold powder/bronze brushed, gold powder/white, gold powder/black.

€435.17* instead of €530.70*
NOVELTY: Delivery time 15 working days
18 %
Hula Hoop P2 ceiling lamp by Icone
LED ceiling light Hula Hoop P2 by Icone Hula Hoop P2 is a playful ceiling lamp that brings a lot of indirect light into a room. The main feature of the lamp is a large plate with a diameter of 66cm, on which a fixed aluminum rod is attached in the middle. Two rings of different sizes are fixed to the rod, each equipped with an LED ring. The LEDs spread a direct light upwards onto the panel, the so-called reflector, and then reflect the light downwards into the room. The rings can be tilted slightly to adjust the beam angle. The Hula Hoop P2 ceiling light spreads a total of 7285lm, the light color can be selected between 2700k or 3000k. Furthermore, the lamp is available in different colors, whereby the large plate and the small rings can have different colors. Colors available are (big plate/small rings): white/white, gold leaf/black, copper leaf/black and white/brass.

€656.26* instead of €800.32*
Delivery time 15 working days
18 %
Hula Hoop P3 ceiling light by Icone
LED ceiling lamp Hula Hoop P3 by Icone Hula Hoop is a modern and playful family of lights by Icone that not only spread indirect light, but are also a designer piece in a room. The Hula Hoop P3 model consists of a large reflector with a diameter of 75cm on which a thin aluminum rod is mounted in the middle. There are three rings of different sizes on the rod itself, each is equipped with an dimmable LED. The ceiling light spreads a total of 8395lm with a light color of 2700k or 3000k. The Hula Hoop lamp is available in the following colors: white/white, gold leaf/black, copper leaf/black, white/brass.

€1,013.41* instead of €1,235.86*
Delivery time 15 working days
20 %
Olympic round LED light by Fabbian
LED Wall lamp and ceiling lamp Olympic F45 by Fabbian Olympic is a simple and modern wall lamp and ceiling lamp. The lamp consists of two thin circles, whereby the large ring is equipped with a continuous LED and thus spreads light all around. The ceiling and wall lamp fits perfectly into modern as well as traditional furnishing styles. The lamp Olympic is available in the dimensions Ø60cm, Ø80cm, Ø110cm and Ø140cm, in the colors white and bronze. The dimmable LED is available in the light colors 2700k or 3000k. There is also the Olympic with an LED standard or an LED high-power. In contrast to the standard LED, the high-power LED consumes less power and produces almost twice as much light.

€777.87* instead of €972.34*
Delivery time 14 working days
10 %
Azou flexible LED lamp by Kundalini
Flexible light points for the wall and ceiling Azou by kdln Azou is a lamp that offers endless possibilities for indirect wall lighting, becoming at the same time a unique and special decorative element, both for the wall and for the ceiling. The main element consists of a round lamp with a diameter of 11.5cm and a depth of 8cm. The colored cover is made of onyx (green) or marble (white or black). The illuminant is equipped with a 450lm LED, a light color of 2700k and it spreads a direct light onto the surface below. The individual points of light can be mounted anywhere and are connected with a thin cable. The cable has a total length of 15m. The special thing about the lamp is that the cable is wrapped around the individual light bodies and is therefore part of the appearance of the lamp. Models available are the Azou 3 (three bulbs), Azou 5 (five bulbs) and Azou 7 (seven bulbs) and two matching accessories. Accessories and two different mounting methods: Azou 3, 5 or 7 with power plug, driver and foot dimmer: with this variant, the lamp is supplied with a power plug, driver and foot dimmer. The round LED elements are mounted on the wall and then connected to a power outlet. The lamp is then switched on/off and dimmed using the foot dimmer. Azou 3, 5 or 7 with wall canopy + driver: with this variant, the lamp is supplied together with a wall canopy (in matt black) and a dimmable driver (1-10V and push). The wall canopy with driver is connected to a current outlet, which is then switched on/off and dimmed using a light switch. A connection cable longer than 15m can also be ordered on request and at an additional cost.

€966.24* instead of €1,073.60*
Delivery time 9 working days
18 %
Dala LED ceiling lighting by Kundalini
Round and decorative LED ceiling light by kdln The Dala ceiling light is not only a powerful light, but also a decorative element. The ceiling lamp consists of two metal rings that have a different color and intersect at two points, giving the lamp an architectural touch. In the two metal rings there is a dimmable LED (phase cut) of 4630lm which is covered by an opal cover in polyethylene. The special color combinations that fit into different furnishing styles are interesting. There is a choice of three dark gray or three sand-colored models with a cement look, wood look or copper color.

€950.38* instead of €1,159.00*
Delivery time 9 working days
17 %
Soho round LED lamp by Light Point
Wall and ceiling lamp with indirect LED light Soho by Light Point The SOHO series of lights consists of a total of 5 different sizes and 4 different colors and is especially suitable for creating unique LED lighting systems on the wall. Each size has a different depth. This makes it possible to mount the Soho luminaires overlapping. Each Soho wall or ceiling lamp is equipped with a round and dimmable LED strip in which the light color can be selected between 2700k and 3000k. At the moment of assembly, you can choose between the two light colors and set them. Thanks to IP54, the luminaire is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. You can choose from the Soho W1 (Ø 12cm and depth 4.4cm), Soho W2 (Ø 20cm and depth 6cm), Soho W3 (Ø 30cm and depth 7.6cm), Soho W4 (Ø 40cm and depth 9.2cm) and Soho W5 (Ø 50cm and depth 10.8cm). Each Soho is available in the following colors: white, black and gold. Other colors available are rose gold and titanium. These two colors also have an IP54 protection but are not suitable for outdoor use as the sun's rays will alter the anodised surface over time

€224.80* instead of €270.84*
Delivery time 6 working days
17 %
Optic out 1 LED spot by Light Point
LED ceiling spot IP54 Optic out 1 by Light Point Optic out is a unique designer spotlight for the ceiling, suitable for indoor and outdoor use thanks to IP54. The Optic out lamp emits a diffuse and glare-free light thanks to a special lens. The cone-shaped spot has a Ø of 10cm at the lower end, on the other hand a Ø of 8cm at the top. The spot optic out is equipped with a dimmable LED of 2700k and spreads 502lm. The ceiling spotlight is available in white or black, whereby the ring color of the spotlight can be freely selected and changed. The price includes three different ring color black, white or gold, which you can change yourself. Other colors available are rose gold and titanium (not including colored rings). These two colors also have an IP54 protection but are not suitable for outdoor use as the sun's rays will fade the anodised surface over time.

€247.07* instead of €297.68*
Delivery time 2 working days